Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Opportunity!

As most of you know, I have accepted a position at KUMed as a Clinical Analyst. It has been a great transition. I wish I had some time off in between jobs, but KU really wanted me to start right away. For those of you who want to know what I will be doing exactly, I am going to be helping design, build, and implement the EMR (electronic medical record). It's something I wanted to do at my previous company, but was having a hard time finding a role where I would not have to travel 80% of the time. Now, I only have a 2.5 mile commute. It's great! I will have to travel to Madison to do some trainings, but I'm looking forward to it, so I can visit my sister while I'm there.

Everything just worked out in my favor. I had met some very cool people and I left a great team, but I am so excited to be back at KU! Leaving the boys' daycare was the most traumatic for me. The teachers at Innovation Kids were awesome! They made cards and signs for Eli and Keenan, and Tina, Eli's main teacher was in tears when we left. I unfortunately did not have my camera to take pics of the boys and their teachers, but I know they took some pics.

We found a new school for Eli, and he is enjoying it. The first week was a little rough. His first day he was excited to go to his "new school", the next day was fine too. Then by Wednesday Eli was asking to go to "school", not my "new school". He said he wanted to see Tina. When I brought him to his "new school", I had to leave him in tears. This week is better now, and he can tell me names of his new friends.
His school is very similar to where he was going, at least all of the activities. It is not Montessori, but the lead teacher/owner bases her teachings on European teachings. The program is for 2-5 year old only. By the time kids leave there, they can read, add, subtract, and do some multiplication. They have music, dance, and art.

Keenan is being watched by our nanny, our "Granny Nanny" that is. He is trying to crawl. He has been successful too, but gets really frustrated when he cannot move forward. He also has two bottom teeth now! This morning I found him sitting up in his crib and when he saw me he pulled himself up very briefly, then fell down.

Well, that is a super bried catch up on what's going on here. My life has been a little consumed for the past month, so I hope I can stay on top of my blog again!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Finished!

I ran the KC Half Marathon on Saturday, the 18th. It was a great race! I felt really good throughout. I ran with Rhonda and Holly. Unfortunately, our friend Becky had injured herself a month or two ago, so she was not able to run with us. Rhonda, Holly and I were keeping up with a 2:20 pace until about mile 8 when we hit a wall. I think I could have kept going, but it's no fun to run by myself. Aaron and Eli met us about mile 10, I needed the hugs! Eli was shy at first, but Aaron said tht after we left them Eli started running after me saying, "Mommy! Wait for me!"

When we got to mile 12 I broke away and had a pretty fast rhythm until the end, I was trying to beat my time from the half in 2006, but was unsuccessful. I do have to say the hills did not kill me, I felt great! The weather was awesome!

Overall, I was pleased! I mean, I just had a baby in March, and here I am in October running a half marathon! Who knew!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Keenan's Baptism

My family all came to Kansas City for Keenan's baptism the last weekend of September. My sister and Max arrived on Friday night. Elin was so sweet to cook us all dinner-- it was fantastic, but unfortunately Aaron was not able to enjoy it. He acquired a sinus infection, so he was out the ENTIRE weekend.

Saturday morning, I had already committed to myself that I would do my long run, so I had asked my sister ahead of time if that would be ok. She had to endure taking care of all three kiddos since Aaron was out of commission. Max and Eli are pretty easy. They get along great, they play really well together. I wish we lived closer so they could see each other more often! I ended up running the length of the half marathon because part of our route was not marked. I was pretty wiped out after our run. When I got home Elin was in the bathroom with Eli, Keenan was screaming, and Max was just hanging out. What fun! She did a great job with them, they were all fed and dressed, what more can I ask for?

Mom and Dad arrived then we went to the airport to pick up my cousins, Roselle and Jess, and my aunt from Chicago. I opted to go to the airport, so my Mom and Elin watched the boys. When we arrived from the airport, we decided to do a little shopping while the "Lolas" watched the boys. We had fun in the short time. Mom and Dad wanted to take us all out to dinner to Strouds. We are able to walk from our house there, so I was able to put Keenan to bed then I walked to meet them all there. They had brought Eli with them, but once I got there he only wanted to be with me. He was not acting like himself at all, I thought he was tired. Then all of a sudden he started puking. Poor Eli. I carried him all the way home, gave him a bath and put him to bed.

Sunday, Aaron was feeling a little better. He was finally trying to keep on top of the Tylenol instead of feeling completely like crap, having a fever and then taking the medicine. He admitted to me later that he almost asked me to call an ambulance he was feeling so badly. I just had to laugh at how ridiculous he was being-- sorry, I'm completely unsympathetic to my sick husband.

The baptism was very nice, we were the only family there, and it was very special. Aaron almost passed out and John smothered flame of the baptismal candle. A very memorable ceremony. My family and Aaron's family were all there to witness the event. Keenan slept for most of it! I think I sprained my arm from holding him the entire time.Everyone came to our house for some BBQ afterwards.

The next morning the cousins were planning on doing some power shopping and we recruited the "Lolas and Lolo" to watch the boys, unfortunately Max had the pukey virus Eli must have had. Poor thing was puking all morning and puked on the way to the airport too.

What an exhausting weekend for everyone! At least we were able to be together!