Thursday, June 26, 2008

Keenan is 3 Months!

Weight: 18 lbs. 13.8 oz
Length: 27.5 inches

My youngest boy is growing so big! Keenan is such a smiler. Aaron can make him laugh doing his Donald Duck impersonations. It's pretty funny.This was his last week at home. I met with Keenan's teacher to figure out everything I need to bring.

We took Bernie to dinner Thursday night to thank her for all of her help. Unfortunately, it's Keenan's fussy time of the evening. He gets very cranky before he falls asleep. We each took turns walking him around the restaurant. I met some girlfriends afterwards to hang out. It was nice to catch up with all of them.

Friday I was pretty exhausted. I did not sleep well the night before. Aaron and I both kind of slept in and relished our last day being able to both sleep in since Bernie woke up with the boys. Bernie left when we arrived home from work, when she left Eli shed lots of tears, it was sad!

Today was our first full day just the four of us. I had woken up almost every hour putting Keenan's pacifier in his mouth. He was off his nightly schedule. I fed him at 6am, then left to meet my running group. I ran four miles and felt pretty good. When I arrived home, Aaron was a little frustrated with Keenan's fussiness. I think we were both getting used to our family dynamic.

Sunday was much better. We were all able to sleep in until 7AM, whoooo! I realy wanted to go to the pool since I had not been for the whole summer, but I always want to go when it's Eli's naptime. So I decided to sit on our deck to get some sun. It's so different than before when we had kids, I used sit and read a book or a trashy gossip magazine, now I sit and lay out while reading a "Parents" magazine!

I took Eli to Elise's b-day party. He had a great time especially after Elise opened a new Thomas the Tank Engine Train Set. He was so excited! The whole day he had not been very talkative, but after Thomas was out, he could not stop talking about it. He kept asking to open it, and when Rhonda did, he said, "thanks guys for helping me open it!". Elise was so tired by the end of her party, poor thing did not have a nap all day! We had a great time though!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nice Weekend After a Stressful Week

This past week went by pretty quickly. I had to work late Tuesday and Thursday, I did not get done until after 7pm. It kind of sucked! Our team knew we would have to work late, but we were trying to work late to avoid working over the weekend, which we did accomplish. Thank goodness! I was so glad to have Mama Rourke here to help Aaron out since I was late those days.

Friday night I was pretty exhausted. Brian and John are both in town. John just got done with KU Basketball Camp. The campers all posed for an individual shot with Coach Self and the NCAA trophy. Pretty cool. Of course John was all decked out in his KU Gear for the photo op. He was also able to get a few autographs from some players. He had a great time. Brian worked in KC this past week, and is also working here this week. He has sold his house, so he is now really looking for a house in KC. We all had dinner here, then Aaron took Eli to the park. I ran to Target and by the time I got home, the boys were all sleeping.

Saturday morning, I met Rhonda for a run. We were both dragging, but we did it. It was pretty hot. My goal for Saturday was to run all my errands so Sunday I can just relax. So Aaron and I went to Sam's to get groceries and baby stuff while Nana Rourke watched the boys. Of course we spent a couple of hundreds of dollars, buying formula, diapers, and food. It's crazy!

Aaron and I went on a date since this is our last weekend with Mama Rourke here. We had a nice Italian dinner at Il Centro, then dessert at Classic Cup. We went to see "Iron Man", we both really enjoyed the movie. I've always had a crush on Robert Downey Jr. We got home around 1245. Keenan woke up around 4AM, I got up and Mama Rourke came up with a bottle. I told her I could feed him, and she said, "No, you can, go ahead and go back to bed," I did not hesitate, and said, "ok!". Then Eli woke up at 6AM, realy crying. I layed down with him and we tried to go back to sleep. He got up at 7AM, and Mama Rourke took him and Keenan downstairs so Aaron and I could sleep in. We took advantage of it and slept in until 1030! I feel soooo rested! I cannot remember the last time I slept in that late!

This is the last week Mama Rourke will be staying with us. We have really enjoyed having her here and have really appreciated the extra help. We're all really going to miss her!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the great Dads out there! We had a pretty quiet, and relaxing weekend. Eli's school had a Father's Day picnic Friday afternoon, it was fun to see Eli playing with his classmates. Nana Bernie brought Keenan, so everyone was able to see him and Nana was able to see Eli at school.

Saturday I went to my running group and ran four miles and felt pretty good. We went to the Farmer's Market. Aaron and I spent most of the time in the coffee shop because Eli was having a great time going up and down the stairs. Bernie bought a bunch of fresh veggies and fruit to make us dinner. Bernie treated us for a Father's Day lunch. Eli and Keenan were great. While everyone took naps, I did a little shopping to buy Father's Day gifts.

Sunday, Bernie let Aaron and I sleep in until around 8AM. I dressed the boys up in matching outfits. You can't really see what the shirts say, but they say "My Dad Rocks" and he does. Aaron is a wonderful dad, always excited to see his family and ready to play! Aaron is such a great help and very thoughtful. Thank you Aaron for everything you do for us!We love you! Aaron got a kick out of the t-shirts. Eli helped his Dad open his gifts. We had a quiet day at home, it was rainy. Papa Rourke came in the evening and played with the boys while I prepared dinner. Brian also joined us for dinner. We had a nice steak dinner, with frozen custard for dessert.

Friday, June 13, 2008

He's a Genius!

The other morning, Aaron and I were awoken by the sound of Eli singing songs in his bed. It was super cute. He really loves to sing and on our way to school he sings his ABC's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and some of his other favorites. He knows the Barney, "I Love you..." song, it's a really annoying song, but when we sing it, Eli stands up and gives me a hug and a kiss when it comes to singing those words. Sometimes I sing it just so I CAN get a hug and a kiss from him!

Eli is also obsessed with "Big Trucks" he points them out to me when we're driving. We recently changed to pull-up diapers because he no longer fits in size 6 diapers. The pull-ups have the characters from "The Cars" movie and we have to try to convince him to wear the Lightning McQueen diapers because he always requests the "Dump Truck" one, and sometimes he throws a fit if he has to wear the race car one. BTW-- sometimes he leaks in the morning, I'm not too impressed with these diapers, but we're hoping to potty train next month for sure!

Eli is learning all about shapes too. When we were driving the other day Eli said, "There's an octagon Mommy!", referring to the Stop sign, I was pretty impressed. Also, Eli has letters that are bath toys, I was quizzing him the other day and he could recognize more letters than I thought he would be able to. Every time he would get one right I would say, "Good job Eli", then he turned around and started quizzing me and would say, "Good job Mommy!". So funny.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Keenan is 2 Months

Keenan's stats as of 5/23/2008

Weight: 15 lbs & 8oz.(>97%)
Height: 24.5 inches (95%)
Head Circumference: 15 and 7/8 (50%)

Keenan is now 2 and a half months and is sleeping so much better, he usually can go about 5-6 hour stretches thru the night. Mama Rourke has been enabling our sleep because she has been getting up with Keenan to feed him, it's been wonderful! He is very responsive now, really smiling. He is already feeling heavy to carry! We'll probably have to put him in a bigger car seat before he turns one, just like Eli!

Well, the first two weeks of work have not been too bad. I'm trying to get back into my routine. I've started up running again with my good friends, Becky and Rhonda. We are not training for any races like last time. I think we'll end signing up for a few 5Ks and try to improve our time. I was wanting to sign up for a half marathon, but no one else was wanting to commit and I need my girls to get me thru another half! I'm feeling more like myself, but I've got quite the muffin top (the best part of the muffin), hopefully running will get me back into shape!