Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Aaron took Friday off so we could go to the zoo with some friends. We met up with Rhonda and Bill, and their girls, Elise and Claire. Elise is only 6 weeks younger than Eli, and Claire is 2 weeks older than Keenan. It was my first time to the Kansas City Zoo, and I have to say it turned out to be a beautiful day, and the zoo was really nice. Eli and Elise had so much fun pushing around their strollers, riding on the train, and going on the merry-go-round. We were all pretty exhausted at the end of the day.

Monday, Alicia and her daughter Kristen came over to visit, they were town for the week. Kristen and Eli had a great time playing together. We weren't able to capture the best pictures with them, they are both at that age where sitting still is not an option.

Mama Rourke came into town Monday evening. We were all very excited to see her. She is going to be staying with us for the first month I go back to work. It'll be great not to have to worry about Keenan while I stress out about work!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last Week ;o(

I am so sad! This is my last week of maternity leave, I'm finally at a point that I've been accomplishing so much around the house and really enjoying myself, and now I have to go back to work! Last week I finished making Keenan's baby announcements, they were fun to make. The weather is finally cooperating and it looks like it's going to be warm from now on. I've gotten my friend Rhonda, who is also on maternity leave, hooked on Hi Hat coffee, so we have been walking to Hi Hat in the mornings. This week she is painting her house, so I've been walking on my own.

Over the weekend, Vinnie and Dustin were in town, so they visited our family. They are starting their own little family. Vinnie is 12 weeks prego! I'm so excited for them! Aaron and I also went on a much needed date. The weather was fantastic! Eli's old teacher, Miss Rachel watched the boys, I was not worried at all, Eli remembered her right away. He did sit at Stoli's window when we left and Rachel said he was sad for just a little bit, but got over it pretty fast. Aaron and I went to the Power and Light District. Aaron had not been there yet, so we did a little pub crawl and had snacks as well. I had the best bread pudding at this Irish Pub, it beat out Pot Pie's bread pudding. It was DELICIOUS! We were home by 11:30.

Sunday we were up early thanks to our little alarm clock, Eli. He did not watch the movie we started for very long. We had breakfast and decided to do some yard work. The whole family enjoyed the nice weather. Keenan sat in the shade in his bouncy seat, and Eli was all over the place, following Aaron, me, and Stoli around. I was able to plant some flowers in my front garden. We all went to bed pretty early, Aaron fell asleep reading to Eli. Aaron was passed out and Eli was looking through his books on his own as I fell asleep feeding Keenan.

This week I'm going to be gardening and working on my scrapbooks and the boys' baby books. I'm hoping to at least get started on the scrapbooks. Aaron has been giving me crap because I've been trying to start on our scrapbooks since we got married!

Well, I'm going to savor this time I have at home. It's been painful, challenging, and finally fun! I have 8 more pounds to lose to get to my starting weight. I think I need to start running again to lose the last few pounds. I've started lifting free weights again too. Aaron is taking Friday off so we can have a nice 4 day weekend together. Hopefully we'll be able to do a lot of fun family stuff together.

Mama Rourke will be here on Monday to watch Keenan for the month, then back to work for me! Ugh!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Eli is TWO!

Wow! I am so behind on my blogs, time has flown by! Keenan is now 6 weeks, and my little Eli is TWO! I cannot believe he is two, but he is as big as a four year old! We were preparing him for his big day, we taught him to say when his b-day is..."May 4", and how old he is going to be, sometimes he would say, "One", then "Two". So funny, he really is a little chatter box, with very good manners. He is very good with his "please" and "thank you's" which I am very proud of.

This past weekend was a busy one. Friday I went to work to bring Keenan around, it was nice to see everyone, and everyone was anxious for me to get back to work, now that I'm used to being home it's hard to think of going back to work! I'm just now enjoying my time off! Aaron and I were exhausted Friday night, and Aaron was great to pick up a night feeding. I'm trying to ween from nursing because I really do not want to pump at work, I just hate pumping so much and I cannot immagine, for me, doing it at work.

Saturday, we went to Crown Center for Eli's b-day lunch. We went to "Fritz's Railroad Restaurant", it was a big hit! There is a train that runs around the restaurant and drops off the food at each table. Eli was so excited to see the trains! Our friends Jamie and Jessica, and their newborn, Brody, met us there, as well as Katie with her two boys, Nicholas and Alex. Nicholas and Eli were the two that were able to enjoy themselves the most.

Sunday, we opened presents and we bought Eli a new tricycle. He loves it. We had cake and ice cream too to celebrate.