Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Keenan is 6 Months

6 Month Stats:
Height:28.5 inches (>97%)
Weight:23 lbs. & 11.6 oz. (>97%)
Head Circum:17.5 inches (74%)

Keenan can sit up really well now. He is leaning forward while sitting up so I think he'll try crawling soon. He loves to grab anything within reach including my hair-- can be painful! He is ticklish and loves to laugh. He is totally fascinated with Eli, and Eli can make him laugh in a heart beat.

Keenan did make my heart melt when he started saying "Mama"! He is a really sweet baby. He is now eating cereal mixed with veggies or fruit twice a day and taking about 30 oz of formula a day. His eyes are now a hazel color, and his hair is growing more in the front with his signature "tuft" sticking up in back. He is napping regularly and goes to bed around 7-7:30PM.

He received 4 shots at his six month appt, including his first flu shot. He actually was a happy baby the day after his shots!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sick Kids!

This week was a fun one! On Monday I had predicted to Aaron that Keenan was going to get sick today, because he had a runny nose. Around 3 PM, Keenan's teached called saying Keenan had diarrha twice and she already had to send someone else home too. I gladly packed up my things, because I too was not having a good day at work, and left to go pick him and Eli up so Aaron could work late. I got Keenan and he was acting normal minus the butt issue, then I went to get Eli. Once Eli closed the classroom door to walk into the hallway he started crying and I did not know what was wrong, then he started puking up his lunch. Poor baby. He did feel much better after that, and I was secretly thankful the puking happened there than in the car! I called Aaron to let him know we had 2 sick kids, not just 1! What a new experience for me.

We kept them both home Tuesday and Wednesday. Nana Rourke came over to watch the boys. Aaron ended up staying home too, which I'm glad because I think it's tought to watch them both when they are both sick. Aaron took Eli to the doc on Tuesday because we was just not himself. He was quiet and just wanted to lay down, he could not keep anything down. He has some sort of viral gastoenteritis so we just had to let it pass. He was feeling better by the end of the day on Tuesday. Keenan was pretty much himself all day Tuesday, but when it came down to sleeping that night, he was up all night. I thought he had an ear infection because every time I would lay him down he would start screaming, so I took him to the doctor Wednesday morning. Keenan's ears were clear, and he had a low grade temp, so the NP was thinking he is teething, she did think he had a virus, but teething and virus have such similar symptoms. She said to treat it with Tylenol or Motrin. Keenan was not himself all day, we had to hold him to keep him pacified. I think it's because he did not sleep much the night before.

It's just not fun having sick kids!

5 Year Wedding Anniversary

September 13th Aaron and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. We were blessed because Nana and Pop Pop Rourke agreed to watch Eli and Keenan for the weekend so we could go on our "Stay-Cation"! We stayed the weekend at the Historic Hotel Philips downtown KC.. The weekend started with a tornado warning and down pour before we even left. We did not leave the house until close to 7pm, but we made it! Aaron and I went to the P& L district within walking distance from our hotel and watch KU lose, unfortuntely. Then we met up with some friends at our hotel bar who graciously added a round of drinks on our tab. LOL! We went on an interesting adventure with them, I won't even go into it. Let's just say, we were all over served!

Saturday, we slept in, then got breakfast at Rm 39. OMG! It was awesome! Our friend Emily keeps suggesting it to us and we were finally able to go, their steak and eggs are phenomenal! Their coffee is exquisite, and this strawberry jam, which we learned they get from Costco was delicious! I cannot wait to go back! After brunch, we decided to check on the boys since we were so close. I was able to get my kisses and hugs in and they were doing great. So, I took up the opportunity of Aaron asking to go SHOPPING!

We were both still tired, but we decided to buy some new clothes since I back in my pre-prego sizes and Aaron's closet is full of old clothes. We had our "Pretty Woman" episode. We had fun. Then we both hit a wall so we got at snack at McCormick and Schmick's which totally hit the spot and went back to the Hotel to take a nap. We slept until around 7PM. We had a late dinner at Nara downtown (http://www.narakc.com/). It was a nice quiet dinner. Then we had an un-impressive dessert at the hotel restaurant.

Our weekend ended with a huge brunch and a trip to Sam's to buy formula and diapers! You've gotta love being a parent! Overall, Aaron and I had a nice romantic weekend which was needed terribly! Hopefully we can make this a yearly tradition

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008


Saturday I woke up and ran 8 miles with Rhonda, Becky pulled a muscle, so she's out for the weekend. It was a pretty good run. We went and had a quick coffee afterwards because I had to get to Lawrence to meet my old roommates, Erin and Kelly at 11AM. Aaron's parents are both in town, so they spent the night the night before and had taken the boys to the park in the morning. Aaron was staining our deck so they were helping out.

I saw the boys briefly before I left, then headed out. It took about 45 minutes door to door to Aaron's house. It was first time to meet Miss Cleo, she is a sweetie. It was also my first time at their newer house. It is very cute and they have such an eclectic style. Gus reminds me so much of Eli, I just want to squeeze his cheeks!

The 3 of us ladies headed to lunch on Mass St. We ate at Ingredient. I ate at the one in Overland Park the day before with my friend Julie, and had tasted her turkey burger, so I had that, it was great! We had a great time catching up, we had so much to talk about. Then we went to a spa to get our mails done. Erin had a mani, and Kelly and I had pedis. It was nice to have my feet taken care of after a long run! I thought we were going to shop, but then Kelly suggested we get a beer. Immediately I thought, "Free State"! We sat outside and talked more (3 beers later), we had a great time. Lawrence has not changed all that much, but it was such a beautiful day, and Free State is definitely the same.

Erin had to get home, Kelly was going to the game with her hubby Alex, and some friends. One of my other best friends, Vinnie, was also in Lawrence for the game. Kelly was parking at a friend's house and walking from there, so she gave me her parking pass. Thankfully it was very close to where Vinnie was at.

Vince, Vinnie's brother had rented a tent on Campanile Hill. Now that people are allowed to tailgate and we have a decent football team, it was a whole different culture at the football stadium. It was so much fun! Vinnie is starting her 3rd trimester, so she was so cute and prego!