Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Photos


Every year we take a family picture in front of the J.C. Nichols fountain where Aaron proposed to me. This year my parents were with us to be the photographers.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Date Nights!

The past weekend Aaron and I were definitely spoiled. On Thursday night Aaron's Mom and nephew came over to watch the boys while we joined my work friends for a happy hour. We had a good time.

Friday evening, Aaron made dinner and Aaron's Mom and nephew, John came over again to spend the night. Aaron and I were finally able to go see "Dark Knight", at the IMAX theatre, I really enjoyed the movie, especially Christian Bale, he was pretty sexy!

Saturday, Rhonda and I opted for the late start with our running group, we usually start at 6AM, but we started at 630AM. It was a beautiful morning! We both wore long sleeved shirts. We were going to run 8 miles, but it was a pretty hilly route, really steep hills, so we opted for 6 miles instead. After our run we went to Hi Hat for coffee and I went with Rhonda to pick up a cake for the Bridal Shower she was hosting. When I got home, I was able to get some chores done, but unable to take a nap. I was bummed about that. My parents arrived here in the late afternoon. They were very excited to see the boys.

Aaron and I celebrated our 6 year Engagement Anniversary. Aaron took me to La Bodega, my favortie Spanish restaurant with the BEST sangria. That restaurant is defnitely a chic heavy reastaurant. We had a good time, then we went to Harry's to celebrate a friend's b-day. We were both pretty tired, so we were home before midnight.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Owwwweeee!

Today was the day I set aside to get a lot of work done, so of course I knew in the back of my mind I needed to prepare myself for something to happen to prevent that from happening. I thought for sure Keenan would get sick today, but no, I had gone down to our cafeteria with one of my friends for just a few minutes. When I went back to my desk our admin for our floor was at my desk, leaving me a note, she said I needed to call my son's daycare. I just thought to myself, of course, the one time I stepped away from my desk and I did not bring my cell phone I was pelted with all sorts of calls. I called Eli's classroom and one of Eli's teachers had told me that Eli had fallen into the door at school and he is probably going to need stitches. They said Eli reacted more because he was scared, and another teacher was applying pressure to stop the bleeding. My poor baby. I gathered my stuff, called his doctor to find out if they did stitches, called Aaron to let him know what was going on, and sent an email to my team to let them know where I was going to be.

I arrived at Eli's school and Eli was sitting down with his teacher, Tina. Tina was holding a washcloth to his head, and poor Eli had this huge gash to his forehead. It is about 3 cm long and about .5 cm deep, I could see bone, so I knew he had to go to the ED. I opted for the Children's Mercy South, because we had been there before and it was close to my office and Aaron's office and they do an exceptional job! I'm so glad they were able to stop the bleeding at school. I rushed to the ED and it was pretty empty, so we were seen right away. Eli was already acting like himself. He was excited to see all their books and toys. Then Aaron arrived soon after we did.

They put lidocaine gel inside and around his wound, and we had to wait about 30 minutes for it to kick in. They had a Child Life Specialist who's job is to play with the kids when procedures are performed and distracts them with toys or blowing bubbles, pretty much anything to keep them content. They put Eli in this contraption where they can wrap him up like a burrito so he can't kick or move around too much. I sat on the bed with him and held his hands, while the nurse held his head, Pete, the Child Life Specialist was blowing bubbles and talking to Eli, and Aaron was also helping distract Eli. The doctor was at the head of the bed putting in the stitches. We had "Thomas and Friends" playing on TV, so that helped too. Eli was so brave, I was so proud of him. They said he was the best two year old they had seen in a while. Eli had 2 internal stitches and 9 external stitches.

I received lots of support from my friends and family. Nicholas and Jake even came by tonight to give Eli some 'Get Well' balloons and cookies, and Nana even came over to put him to bed. I know I have to prepare myself for these kind of injuries with 2 boys, but I hope it does not happen very often! I'm just glad he's ok!

(This picture was taken in the ED after they put the lidocaine on)

Friday, August 8, 2008

No Mail

We received a notice in our mail that beacause our dog charged through our window while a postal carrier was delivering our mail the post office will be holding our mail until we either rent a post office box or put our mailbox at the curbside. After 10 days they will return it to the sender.

Oh Stoli. Needless to say, we have not gotten our mail yet. I called them to see if gating Stoli upstairs would be ok and they said it should be fine. I had to call them again because we still have not gotten our mail. I'm annoyed.

I have an "I'm sorry" card from Stoli to our mail carrier, I should bake him some cookies too.

Looking forward to the weekend.Running in the morning, planning on 8 miles again. We'll see. Then we have a b-day party to go to for a 2 year old tomorrow afternoon. Sunday I'll be running Race for the Cure.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hot Yoga

Last week I went to hot yoga with 3 of my friends, my 2 running buddies, Becky and Rhonda, and our friend Emily. We try to do something once a month, and this past month Rhonda wanted to do hot yoga. For those of you who are not familiar with hot yoga, it's in a studio where they keep the temperature at about 100 degrees and you do Bikram Yoga. We pretty much sweat our asses off, I started to feel nauseaus after an hour of it, it was an hour and a half class. It was hard to do some of the positions when you have to grab a leg or arm when you're glistening with sweat. When I was laying face down at one point I was just dripping with sweat. It felt good though.

We were starving after our class and we wanted to eat healthy, so we ventured to Eden Alley. It's a vegetarian restaurant with a lot of vegan entrees. I got my favorite Garlic Grilled Cheese, yum! Then we shared dessert. We were all beat from the day and our class, still super sweaty. I could ring my shirt out from all the sweat-- don't worry we sat outside so people would not have to smell us!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stoli A.K.A Cujo

Last Wednesday was a non-stop day at work, then when I got home from work I was unlocking the front door when I saw some glass. The first thing I thought was that someone tried to break in our house, so I inspected the front door then I saw that the window next to our front door that looks into our stairwell was broken, and I immediately knew who the perpertrator was...Stoli!

This is the third time Stoli has inpersonated Cujo-- do you remember the 80's horror movie about the rabid dog? Well, apparently Stoli did his impersonation for our mailman and busted through the window. I could tell the mailman just dropped the mail and ran because the mailbox door was left open. I felt so bad for our mailman. When I walked inside I spotted some blood on the floor, so I immediately called him. Stoli came and he had this huge gash on his nose. He was bleeding quite a bit, so I put pressure on it, but he was making it difficult for me to hold pressure by not sitting still. At the same time Eli is running all over the house and pointing to the blood on the floor, "Mommy, what's that? What's that? What happened to Stoli?" I just told him not to touch the red stuff. Then Keenan started crying because he was hungry and I could not do anything. I called Aaron and was pretty much like "Get your a$$ home RIGHT NOW!". My stress level had peaked!

Aaron got home and he dealt with the dog and I dealt with the boys. Stoli's bleeding did subside. I finally got the boys fed, bathed, and to bed a little before 9pm and then I was able to eat dinner. Aaron commented on how before we had kids we used to be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but we have not been able to see a light quite yet. After I snarfed down my dinner I still had to do laundry because Eli had had a few accidents at school. What a week, and it was only hump day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Keenan is 4+ Months

Wow! Time has flown! I can't believe Keenan is already 4 months old. I am behind on my blogging, but I will try not to make this a long post.

Keenan's 4 Month Stats:
Weight: 20lbs and 10oz.(>100%)
Length:26 & 1/8" (90%)

Yes, I have another "Chunkalicious" baby. I just have to remind everyone that we breed gi-normous babies, and I love every ounce of their chunkiness! According to Keenan's pediatrician, (who is different than the one we started out with when Eli was born), she said he only needs 32 oz of formula a day. I remember giving Eli 40 oz., so that's what I was giving Keenan. We ended up cutting Keenan's 10 pm bottle. I knew that would mess up his sleeping schedule. She also said we could go ahead and start cereal. The first night went ok, I was not there when Keenan woke up around 5:45AM that Saturday morning, so I have no room, to talk. I was running 6 miles with my running group. I've decided to train for the KC Half Marathon in October. In fact, I ran 8 miles yesterday and I feel pretty good.

Aaron and I were able to have a date night last Saturday. We used a new babysitter, and she did great. Eli took up to her right away, she usually babysits for a family who has four kids, so I knew she would be great. We went out with a few other friends to dinner then after dinner drinks. I guess I had a few too many drinks because I was pretty dysfunctional the next day. I let Aaron sleep in a little longer while I got up with Eli. I fed Eli then we went to the basement so I could lay on the couch while Eli played. As soon as we got down there, Eli said "I pooped". I ran him upstairs, but it was too late. Dealing with poop hungover is not the best thing, that's why I could never drink the night before when I worked in the hospital!

Aaron was brave enough to bring both Eli and Keenan to the grocery store (I have not even done that). I took a nap while they were gone. We started Keenan on cereal. I'm still not sure if he likes it. I've been mixing it with bananas and he seems to like that a little better. Sometimes he gets frustrated when we're feeding him, we have to shove a pacifier in his mouth between bites to pacify him!

I will post pictures of the boys this weekend. I have not had time to do it recently. I even was able to get some pics of them while at school.